Posts Tagged ‘Veterans of Foreign Wars


86.I work for tips? Thank You For Your Service

28928751211.jpgDear Friends:

I am working this job on the docks and been killing myself building and moving china hutches and other huge pieces of furniture for the holiday. Today I am so sore that I can barely move. Funny things  happen in my life. This goes back to previous articles I have written about not dressing like a homeless bum and maintaining some sort of grooming and hygiene standard. Continue reading ’86.I work for tips? Thank You For Your Service’


85.My New Days…City Life


Dear Friends:

I must admit I am having a hard time adapting to being inside a city. There is so much noise and light pollution in comparison to a mountain side. I could at least lay back on the side of “my mountain” and think clearly and feel safe. I feel my stress levels are increasing everyday here. I came into the city for my medical reasons. I was told by the VA I had to be near this particular hospital or risk having to start my whole treatment and compensation and pension series over again. I feel like a prisoner! Continue reading ’85.My New Days…City Life’


83.The 121,000 Missing Veteran Cover Up

Congressman Buyer 

In 2004 the Veterans Administration dramatically reduced the number of homeless veterans it was counting from 313,000 to a lowly 194,000 in a report in front of then Chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee Congressman Steve Buyer just said “OK”. Continue reading ’83.The 121,000 Missing Veteran Cover Up’


82.Therapeutic Work Experiences

The Ministry Of Truth

Dear Friends and Wanderingvets:

After reading these VA Memos (especially yesterday’s in article 81) I feel like Winston Smith in George Orwell’s book 1984.  I sometimes wonder if the Veterans Administration does not have their own Ministry of Truth! Continue reading ’82.Therapeutic Work Experiences’


81.I Didn’t Get The Memo…Again!

The Home Of The Morons 

I just do not understand why those boys and girls at the Veterans Administration do not put me on the distribution list for all of those important emails… It would save me a lot of time wondering about things when I could be doing something else like informing you about how damn crazy they really are! Continue reading ’81.I Didn’t Get The Memo…Again!’


79.Setting The Record Straight… Another VA Propaganda Story

145493813.jpgDear Friends:

A good friend of mine forwarded to me a recent VA memo on Homeless Veterans and what the VA says they have accomplished in this area titled: Setting the Record Straight — VA Delivering for Our Homeless Veterans . Now having read congressional reports past and present and written on this subject before here and considering myself well informed in the area of the Homeless Veteran Story that the VA weaves, I sure smelled something awful here. The above memo was written November the 8th of 2007 as you do see.  I am going to go through some of the bullets on this memo. Also I will be using for Reference:Report To The Chairman Veterans Affairs Committee, Homeless Veterans Programs (2005)  and the CHALENG REPORT (2006) Continue reading ’79.Setting The Record Straight… Another VA Propaganda Story’


77.Wanderingvets Precarious Toehold In Society

Dear Friends:

Well I have a part time job. I would have taken full time but currently all they had were part time and I was in no position not to accept the $210.00 a week. Of course I am having to look elsewhere for more work if I want to afford to eat, have a place to live with water, electricity, furniture, deposit etc.. but it is a place to start. Continue reading ’77.Wanderingvets Precarious Toehold In Society’


76.Oh My Aching Job Search…Thanks VA

VA Screws Its Homeless Labor Workforce Dear Friends:

I was searching the newspapers for jobs like I always do when I came across this dandy one. I had just finished a days LABOR trying to build up the coffers that were emptied out by my recent illness. Imagine how I almost threw up when I found this employment ad from my favorite EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. To say the least, my assets were a little chapped. Continue reading ’76.Oh My Aching Job Search…Thanks VA’


75.My Agenda

My Agenda 

Boy did I get some ripping emails this past few days from some mad folks at an American Legion in Vermont! Really shook them up! I am glad too as maybe it will filter around in circles to others. Continue reading ’75.My Agenda’




Dear Friends.

I had an early Thanksgiving this year.

It happened while I was still in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I became very ill and could not continue staying out of doors (well I could have). I was burning up with high fever, joints were aching, I was not familiar with where I was at either. I rode a city bus to the outskirts of this large city trying to get to the mountain area and was stopped by interstate 40 and a large concrete wall stopping me from getting to the other side to where I could hide out and make camp. Continue reading ’74.Thanksgiving’

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